Time Flies....
Do you see what I see? Praha, Czech Republic. Please tell me you see what I see. Cheers (D) -Aimi
Pursuit of Happiness
I began this blog post a couple days ago with the title "Pursuit of Happyness", Ã la Will Smith's film with the same title. Then I...
What is Sad? What is Beautiful?...
I'm in a mood... I am. What's the story here? Tell me. Is this sad? Beautiful. Cruel? Or simply natural. You know, the way of things?......
Truth in Storytelling...
So I'm working on my first feature length script - A Day In The Life of Who and it's intense. Some time early last year, a group of...
Onishenko, Kutas, Praha
What makes a place home?... László Kutas (Praha, Czech Republic) Exploring Prague a few years ago, I had the pleasure of visiting a...
Ready For My Closeup Please
Are you ready for your close up? Share your ready for a close up look by posting in the comments below :) Cheers (D) -Aimi