The Complete Guide to Saying No.
Spoiler Alert: there isn't one. In a world bombarded with options topped with more options wrapped in choices and served on a platter of...
Fault & Responsibility
The difference between fault, accountability and responsibility.
Push Pause
Charlottesville, Virginia. August 12, 2017. It's a hot day. A large screen TV blares news on Friday's rally and the counter-rally that's...
Struggling with Success
I've both heard and read, as I'm sure you have as well, this phrase: people are not afraid of failing, they are afraid of success (I'm...
Chasing the Enemy (a short story)
A first person account to a bartender (from a bystander): It started off just like any other day: rainy. I threw my coat on, for all the...
On Gratitude
It seems there's an art to being grateful, to feeling grateful, to expressing gratitude. I haven't mastered it, though I hope to. I think...
growing up is a hard thing to do
Oh, the intricacies of human emotions. Have you ever found yourself in a moment where it's crystal clear to you, I mean CRYSTAL clear...
My Mind Is Playing Tricks On Me
My boyfriend walks into our cozy cabin (we're in the woods for thanksgiving, a treat from him :) and it's been an interesting stay so...
Vengeance Plot
Step one: plot revenge Step two: execute plot Step three: laugh out loud Step four: cry out loud Step five: feel remorse Step six: plot...
An Ode To Change
There have been moments in my life I've feared I may have to live through... Moments when dying seemed easier -- plain and simple. How to...