Dear World,
when your eyes flutter shut under the same skies as I, do you feel I ought to wake? May I please sleep till a new day dawns with a BOOM!...
it may take a while...
So, It may take awhile For lies to become truths and truth, epiphany For journeys to become destinations and a destination, one's destiny...
Caged Bird By Maya Angelou A free bird leaps on the back of the wind and floats downstream till the current ends and dips his wing ...
these are the days
Feeling the weight of truly not knowing, today... What was your plan at twenty? Is God laughing? Try comedy. You're a natural. Not me...
Note to Self
You are the artist. Find the antidote. ~Me Inspired by Woody Allen's "Midnight in Paris"
I Lost My Young Days
When I thought Q-tips, true white tar 'n' coal, true black Eighteen seemed like yesterday twenty-one, oh so far away Smiling came easy...
Peach Cobbler
Published in African Voices Magazine - Summer 2016 Digital Issue. You may download a free copy of the entire magazine for your reading...
How do I Get to the Place Where We... make believe. Where we say no, and pretend we are heard, respected, valued. A kind of haven, sanctuary, womb. Where one hears...
Note to Self
You may have to live with the dark, but you do not have to listen to its secrets. ~Aimiende Negbenebor Sela
Dear Creatives
Yeah, I think what's happening now is called writer's block... What's swell about this? I get to read other writers write cool stuff :)...